Young Living's Hair Care line has become my new favorite for fuller and healthier hair. WIth 3 daily use shampoos and conditioners to choose from, plus a KidsScents line, there really is something for every hair type.
My personal favorite is the Copaiba Vanilla Shampoo and Conditioner. I started using it this winter when the cold dry air made my hair dull and frizzy and noticed a big difference. For volume, you can try the Lavender Shampoo and Conditioner. And, Young Living's Lavender Mint Shampoo is an effective daily cleanser with a fragrance that really invigorates.

I've also found Young Living's Shampoo and Conditioner to be an effective way to stretch my household budget. I can actually get two bottles from every 1 that I purchase. I simply transfer 1/2 of each new bottle into one of my old empty bottles. (If you don't have an empty bottle yet, a mason jar works well too.) Then, I add warm water and shake well. This method gives me twice as much product for the same price.
In addition, I've found that I can go even longer between shampoos because Young Living shampoos don't contain silicone which weighs my hair down. Silicone is an oil-based cosmetic ingredient in many shampoos that's used to make hair appear shiny. But over time, it can build up on hair follicles causing them to feel limp and heavy. If your hair doesn't have the same bounce it used to, or if you find yourself needing to shampoo every day, it could be time to try a silicone-free shampoo and conditioner. Since switching to YL's Copaiba Vanilla Shampoo my hair can go even longer between washings and still look fresh and bouncy.

Here are some additional tips when switching to a natural shampoo:
* Give your hair some time to adjust. It may take 2-3 weeks for your scalp to detox after removing chemical products. This can make the hair appear greasy at first, but after continued use, it will feel naturally fuller. Pick a time when you don't have to look perfectly coiffed to get started.
* You may not notice as much lather with a natural shampoo product but that doesn't mean it isn't working! In fact, you get better results by washing and rinsing twice with a small amount of shampoo each time. Start with a dime-size amount of shampoo all over and allow it to sit for 1-2 minutes. This allows the shampoo to work on the first layer of residue. Rinse well and apply a second dime-sized amount. Now you should see more lather and experience a deeper clean. Rinse well and follow up with Conditioner.
* Realize that shampooing hair daily can often strip it of its natural oils. It's ok to skip a few days between washings.
While I love Young Living's Conditioners for keeping my hair soft and smooth, I also love that YL's Conditioner does double duty as a gentle shaving cream, with a moisturizing formula that's perfect for sensitive skin.
As a wholesale Young Living member, I save 24% on my Shampoo and Conditioners. But as an Essential Rewards member, I also earn Essential Rewards points on free products just for buying natural, toxin-free hair care products.
What about you? What are YOUR tips for naturally healthy hair that's economical too? Share your advice with our community in the comments!